- Site Feasibility Studies
Site Feasibility Studies


Site Evaluation Tool

The S.E.T. System is a site feasibility tool that forecasts retail gasoline and convenience product sales. It is designed for all retailer operations: wholesalers, individual operators, chains as well as real estate developers. Studies are conducted throughout the United States.

The S.E.T. System predictive model was developed using retail and convenience store characteristic data, including fuel volumes and c-store sales, from more than 95,000 operations nationwide. The S.E.T. System model examines all details that can influence the performance of a proposed location – new build or rebuild. Trade area dynamics are critical. Some of the external variables considered are: strengths and weaknesses of competitors, traffic counts and patterns, accessibility to and visibility of the location, other surrounding business drivers, gas margins and all important demographic characteristics.

The S.E.T. process is more than generating predictions from a computer model. After a meeting with the client, our trained field team member develops a clear understanding of goals and the business plan. All current market conditions are documented during our visit to the trade area, providing a thorough understanding of all tangible and intangible influences.

Blending in depth field intelligence and the forecast of our computer model provides a complete analysis and forecast of expected results.

To receive information on the S.E.T. System, please call Joshua Cuthbertson at 239-275-9979 ext. 207 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..