Retail Census Data
Since 1989, New Image Marketing has provided accurate, reliable retail convenience and gasoline market intelligence to major oil companies and regional/local operators, nationwide. Our market census surveys are customized to fit the requirements of each client. More than 250 information variables, including photo documentation, can be provided. Data captured can include information on forecourt conditions, store configuration, signage, asset content and reconciliation, food service offerings, product and merchandising execution, accessibility, maneuverability, data on business drivers and immediate competitive operators, traffic counts or any other pertinent points and conditions.
Market areas of interest are defined and information required to drive the market planning process is identified. Our goal is to provide the retail intelligence necessary to help develop your market evaluation and development program.

Components can include:
Topline Market Report
This one page summary report provides an overview of the marketplace. Each report features key category numbers for each brand to include:
- Market Share
- Number of Outlets/Share
- Market Efficiency
- Average Monthly Gas/C-Store Sales
- Total Annual Gas/C-Store Sales
The trade area analysis combines our GIS (Geographic Information system) technology with our station profiles and demographic information. A client-defined trade area for each chain location is developed. A station profile for each retail unit, including client and competitor, within the trade area is created. Pictures are included for verification. Along with demographic profiles for the trade area and supporting census intelligence, clients receive a comprehensive evaluation of the trade area for each of their locations.
New Image Marketing uses the latest spatial technology available to provide the highest quality information to our clients. Our Geographic Information System (GIS) leverages ESRI's powerful ArcView GIS software to plot, digitize and perform analytical and mapping functions with accuracy and speed. Customized maps illustrating demographic variables are included to complete the GIS package.